Join us at 10:15am on Sunday || 45090 Green Ave, Callahan, FL


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Every follower of Jesus has been called to share. While some have a specific call to share vocationally, all are called to go and to make disciples. Because of this opportunity that has been given to all, Callahan First seeks to equip its members to fulfill the call to go and make disciples. Many years ago a challenge was accepted to be more than just a check writing church, but to be a church that sends people to make a difference in the lives of people around the globe. Checks are still written, but now some of these resources are hand delivered as members participate in the Kingdom work.


Prayer is an essential element of missions. When Jesus saw the plentiful harvest with few laborers to work it, He instructed His disciples to “pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matt. 9:38) So to help with this, Callahan First Baptist Church has established a few areas to help you focus your prayers.


Each year at the Global Impact Celebration, and sometimes at special services throughout the year, members of Callahan First are asked to prayerfully consider making a commitment to give an amount to missions above and beyond their regular tithes. These gifts are divided up amongst the 4 regional teams (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and Ends of the Earth) to be distributed on the mission field.


It is a simple two-letter word but requires a great deal of faith to enact. GO. This is the command that Jesus gave to His followers, “go make disciples.” At Callahan First there are several options for you to consider when being obedient to how God might like you to go.

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to [LOCATION]

Each year several (20+) opportunities exist for you to go on a mission trip. Some Jerusalem trips will last a few hours, while some Ends of the Earth opportunities might be two weeks. Short-term trips visit with strategic partners to help accomplish a goal of the partnership. Some of these trips are planned well in advance, while others, like some of our disaster relief trips, happen very quickly. Short-term trips give you an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and minister to others.